Saturday, May 10, 2008


"I'm confident, confident, confident!"

Katie has been unwilling to let Ed take the training wheels off her bicycle. Today the kids rode their bikes on the new walking trail in the park across the street (after being instructed about stopping and walking their bikes if they came across actual walkers). Katie took a tight turn too quickly and crashed pretty spectacularly. Thank goodness she was wearing her helmet, but her face is pretty scratched up (hope it is healed up by next Thursday night, when it is "bring the family night" in our DSS class!). Tonight, while I was making dinner, Ed let her try riding Travis's bike (because falling off a really big bike would be even more exciting?). His bike doesn't have training wheels, and she did just fine without them, and was Very Pleased with herself.

This is her technique for stopping. Despite her confidence, she still won't let Ed take off those training wheels on her bike.

1 comment:

Wisteria said...

Your roses are gorgeous!!!

She'll lose the training wheels soon enough.