Sunday, September 21, 2008

January 18, 1931 - September 21, 2008

Ed's mother died this morning in her sleep. His brother called at 1:45 am to tell him.

Everyone at church was kind, and the priest remembered her especially in the prayers for the departed.

Ed remembers his mother as elegant and beautiful, and she was. I wish I could find a better picture, but this is the best I can do today (and the cute little boy is Ed). She was also a loyal wife, a loving mother, and a fond grandmother. Rest in peace, Minnie.


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

She was beautiful and elegant!

May Ed and your whole family be comforted at this time among all mourners, and may Minnie's memory be for a blessing when your mourning is finished.

Melora said...

Thank you, Elisheva!

Jules said...

I am sorry to hear about Ed's mom.

Please accept my condolences.

I will keep you both in my prayers.