Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday. So Very Monday.

Another day down.
Little N. had us up at 2:30 this morning, sobbing dismally. Eventually we consoled her with Fruit Loops. Given all that she ate last night after dinner, she shouldn't have been hungry. But the cereal worked, so I guess she was.
Then we were late to book group this morning because the social worker called at the last minute and said that they had the necessary paperwork together and we needed to take P. (seven years old) over to the school and register him right away. Which would have been easier if he hadn't overheard the conversation and run away and hidden. Eventually we found him, hiding under Travis's bed, but it wasn't exactly an easy start to the day.
On the plus side, only one other family made it to book group this morning, so the mom doing the teaching waited for us because she didn't want to have put together the whole lesson just for her kids. So we learned about how Character is revealed in literature (specifically, in Tom Sawyer), then got Katie's allergy shots, and then had a nice picnic at the park. It was quite a decent morning, once the beginning part was over.

I picked up P. from school and was impressed by their system of making sure that parents know what work their kids are supposed to be doing. P. has a notebook where his assignments are listed, and I am supposed to look at it every afternoon, supervise his work, and sign off. Pretty clever. I was pleased and impressed when P. declined my offer of a snack and instead said he wanted to hurry up and do his homework. Granted, it was because he wanted to "get it over with," but I can deal with a lack of enthusiasm as long as it comes with a recognition that the sooner one gets going, the quicker one gets done.

Just to keep things interesting, Travis lost a molar today. He mentioned that he was looking forward to a visit from the Tooth Fairy, and P. remembered that the last time he lost a tooth, the Fairy forgot to pay up. According to P., the tooth fairy always brings him ten dollars per tooth. Since she is undoubtedly eager to correct her oversight with her last tooth, he got Travis to write him a letter instructing her on how she can feel free to leave his payment along with Travis's. I have expressed strong skepticism about large cash payments for teeth which are not even available for placing under a pillow, but I am being ignored.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Yep. Sounds altogether like a very Monday Monday.

It must be interesting to homeschool your kids and then supervise the schooling of the foster kids.

Sounds like they are keeping you on your toes.