I dragooned my parents into decorating gingerbread houses on Tuesday evening. Actually, my long suffering mother ended up having to finish up baking the gingerbread
and making the extra "frosting," since I was coughing and sick. But we got the houses put together (Katie helped with construction this year!). To start with, the five little houses lined up on our kitchen table looked like a little Levittown, but it didn't take long for each house to be given its own, unique look.

(Travis eating licorice.)

(My Daddy, concentrating fiercely. He is a perfectionist, and I know the misaligned walls and roof of his house must have been painful, but he did not complain......

... at least, not until he got
frosting on his finger. Did I mention that he is neat?)

Manly men frost gingerbread houses. Isn't he sweet?)
And now for our Parade of Homes!

Ed's home is warm and festive. It just looks

Here is Katie's house. The little gingerbread man waiting out front to welcome us looks a little deranged, but his yard is kind of messy and maybe he is afraid we will be critical. But we won't! We admire the blue swimming pool out back and the colorful winter flowers, and we move on...

to Travis's house. His has pinstripes on the roof (how novel!) and a pond out back with a duck swimming in it. And on the other side...

a tent for the kids to play in!

And then we come to my Daddy's house. Hmmmm. Two gingerbread bodies on the lawn, a third on the roof, poised to jump, and the fourth lying on his back, preparing to lob a gumdrop at us. I guess every neighborhood needs an eccentric, eh?

And finally we come to my mom's house. Serene, simple, traditional. The librarian called us today to say that it won the adult category in the contest. Congratulations, Mommy!
LOL Those are awesome! I think I like your dad's best, though second prize has to go to Katie's deranged gingerbread man!
Thanks KathyJo! I guess you can learn a lot about a person just by studying their gingerbread. Or maybe not. It is one of those traditions that we just can't skip, and I think they all had fun.
Too cute. Too scrummy. You yummy mummy, you x
You have the coolest parents! I love that they do these things with you guys. The kids' houses are fantastic!
That totally looks like fun! Why an I never brave enough to tackle big stuff like that with my kids?
They are all gorgeous - I would live in any one of them! ;)
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