We had an absolutely lovely Christmas. Everyone was happy about everything, the dog didn't steal the chocolates, and the turkey was cooked to perfection just when it was supposed to be. You really can't ask for much more than that.
The kids are good about waiting to go down and see what Santa left until Mommy is ready with the camera.
Travis was pretty thrilled with what he found in his stocking!
These little wind-up cars (Tatra 603's, from the Czech Republic!), were a big hit. They have little "feelers" out front, and when they get to edge of the table and the feelers go over the edge the car turns rather than crashing to the floor. Too clever!
The kids are more adept with their Slinkys this year (and promise that they Won't twist them!).
Emma liked the Slinky very much.
Santa brought two marshmallow guns, which work amazingly well. Unfortunately this means spraying mini marshmallows with great force around the kitchen, dining room, and hall. Fortunately, Bo likes mini marshmallows.
Katie got a Barbie head. From Ed, not from me. She loves it.
Ed loves getting new clothes!
Did I mention that Travis was excited about his presents? Both the kids were actually jumping around with joy at several points in the day. It was very satisfactory.
Harry found all the jubilation exhausting.
This cat was one of Katie's "must-haves."
She found presents for everyone to open.
Travis built a neat Lego skeleton coach, carefully following the directions every step of the way. Which proves he is my kid!
He also put together this elegant dragon which came with the Dragonology book from his godmother.
Tonight we played Slamwich, Cranium Family Edition, Art Lotto, and Apples to Apples Jr, and we have more games to play and piles of wonderful books to read together, not to mention chocolates to eat, toys to play with, and nice new clothes to wear. It was a wonderful day, and I am so grateful for all the blessings of my life. I hope you also had a joyous holiday!
It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful day!
We are snowed in. Again.
Merry Christmas! I'm glad y'all had a wonderful day.
Merry Christmas to all! It looks like a wonderful day!!
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