Monday, January 26, 2009

Deja Vu

Katie decided last night that she wanted a haircut. A short haircut. Her hair had grown out really nicely since she whacked it off a while back, and I did my best to discourage her, but she would not be discouraged. Given her history, we decided that it would be better to give in rather than have her cut it herself. I couldn't quite bring myself to cut it the way she wanted ("over the ears"), so Ed cut it. I didn't watch, but when I saw her in the tub I was appalled.

Today at book group the other moms asked Who had cut her hair. I was quick to give Ed the credit. When we got home and I told Ed what sort of reviews his haircut got (yes, I'm that mean) he finally took a good look at Katie's head. He was shocked. Katie admitted readily that she had taken more off the front and back of her hair after Ed finished with her last night and sent her off to the tub. She is unrepentant.


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I think it's awfully cute!

Melora said...

Thanks! I passed along the compliment to the real hairdresser.

Dy said...

*giggle* She's got a mind of her own, doesn't she? She could rule the world one day. And what a cute leader she will make!