Friday, February 06, 2009

Fresco Friday

We've been studying the Minoans and Mycenaeans this week, and our Friday Fun activity was painting frescoes. I suggested that the kids might paint dolphins or bull-leaping, and Travis did go with a fishy scene.
Katie, however, went with the less often seen Minoan Smiley Head Santa. And she would have preferred that we slather the plaster of paris on the wall, so it would be more authentic and all, but I guess I'm just not that dedicated to my children's cultural enrichment.

Eddie really wanted to paint his own fresco, or at least help Katie with hers. But Katie doesn't Need help. So next time I'll have to make the poor man his own box of plaster.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I just love how little kids use such bright colors. Georgia O'Keefe never lost that love of the primary colors, and I hope your kids will be the same.