Saturday, February 28, 2009

Good Things

It has been raining steadily all day, but the basement still isn't flooded. (I expect it will be by morning, but now I have the laundry nearly done!) Our marvelous new roof appears to be water proof, and it was so nice not to have to go up and adjust the tarps and cross our fingers.

I ordered this year's Newbery Medal winner, The Graveyard Book, from Amazon last week because our library system hasn't even ordered a copy yet. We all snuggled up in bed this afternoon and I read it aloud and it is excellent. Even Ed says so.

Finally, I found a recipe for One Pot Spaghetti in my Christmas cookbook, One Bite Won't Kill You, and it really Did all cook in one pot. The noodles cooked in the sauce/meat/onions mix, and the thing turned out fine. The noodle texture was a little different, and it would have been even nicer if we'd had Parmesan cheese, but Ed and Travis gave it the thumbs up (and Katie is so fussy that she doesn't count). So even with baking Ed's cake for tomorrow I didn't have a lot of dishes to wash. And that is always a good thing.

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