Sunday, February 08, 2009


Ed made his Barbershop Quartet debut last night as one of the entertainments at a party at church. It was a fun party, with loads of excellent food, plenty of wine, and entertainment that ranged from quite good to hilariously bad.
Ed had a dickens of a time learning the songs, first because there was a mix-up and he didn't get the right songs 'til late in the week, and second because, despite searching high and low (on the internet), he couldn't find videos of "Heart of my Heart" and "I Love You Truly." And, as he said, "That just isn't my kind of music." But he gave it his best effort. The other three fellows apparently didn't quite know the words either, as all of them read as they sang. Last time they performed (with someone else in Ed's spot) they must have had more familiar music, as this is the first time they've sung with music in hand. Ed says if it had been Bruce Springsteen or Bon Jovi songs, or just about anything from the 60's - 80's, for that matter, he'd have done much better. Maybe next time, but I thought he was just fine.


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

One of my first dates with my husband was a Barbershop Festival at the Civic Center. I enjoyed it, and recognized quite a few songs, but I must admit there was nary a Bruce Springsteen hit among them!

Melora said...

Yup, that is the problem I see with Ed's future in the quartet. His memory isn't what it used to be, and there aren't many (any?) songs on the Barbershop roster stored in his brain.
I think a Barbershop Festival sounds like a very sweet early date!

Jules said...

Oh how nice! I love men who can sing and who aren't afraid to so do in public! :)

Jules said...

Hi Melora! I've given you a blog award - stop by and check it out!