Monday, February 02, 2009

We're All About Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmatic Here

KathyJo posted this, and I realized that our syllabus may have some gaps.

I suppose we will have to tackle this area of knowledge eventually (or get chickens), but it the meantime it is a happy thought that my children are "unsoiled" and I don't need to trade them in on locusts.


Dy said...

From what I understand about chickens, you may want to have a less traumatizing discussion beforehand. Or, at least before you actually get the chickens. ;-)

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Heh. Yeah, what Dy said. And there's also the fact that (ahem... sorry, but I'm about to soil you, Melora) a rooster does not have a penis. Birds do things a little differently. But it's still quite obvious that something other than three hot meals is taking place. ;)

BF (Before-the-Farm), we watched a lot of Discovery channel shows. And various books that I've tossed at Jared have discussed sex in the human species. I liked the idea of him knowing early better than the idea of having a discussion with him at thirteen where he said, "You and Dad do what?!" :) Now he accepts it as a normal-though-embarrassing fact of life.

Melora said...

Oh my. Well, Ed wouldn't let us have chickens anyway, but I can see it is time I learned something about chickens.

They don't have What? Well, then how....? Okay, that's it. I need drop reading theology & start reading science. Pronto.
We don't get the Discovery Channel. Now what?

Jules said...

This was sooo funny! Thanks for sharing it - I had a good laugh! :)

And yeah - the chicken thing can get pretty ugly. I wasn't sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing the first time I saw it, if you know what I mean! :)

Veronica Boulden said...

Hey, that's House! And, that is hilarious! I think bunnies would work better than chickens. They really could be helpful in "that way." You won't have to explain a thing. ;)