Sunday, February 01, 2009

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Today was a really good day at church. I mean, I usually Do enjoy church, but today was particularly pleasing. First, the vestry announced that they have decided to appoint the priest we've had for the last two weeks as the "interim" priest. That means that he will be our priest until they pick a permanent priest, which may take a year or so. This is a good thing for a couple reasons. First, the first "temp" priest we had got flustered by having seven acolytes and the vestry decided that only three children at a time could acolyte until an interim was appointed. Since the kids all enjoy serving, this is sort of unfortunate. The interim they've chosen has told us that he will be happy to have all the kids serving, and has no problem giving directions to the kids when needed. Second, the soon-to-be-interim does a good job with the service, and his homilies have been based on the Readings and have been theologically nice and orthodox. And interesting enough to keep Ed awake. He does read too closely from his notes, but you can't have everything. So things are looking good in the priest department.

The Really fun thing, though, happened after church, during coffee hour. As necessary background, two weeks ago I caught Ed "wah wah waaah-ing" along during the last hymn. He didn't want to bother opening his hymnal, and he didn't want to be obviously not "singing," so he was just making odd sounds vaguely in tune with the rest of us. The kids and I teased him all the way home. A "winter party" at the church, scheduled for next Saturday evening, was announced today, and we signed up to bring dessert (the sign up sheet was so Episcopalian -- name/dish/wine). So, as we were drinking our coffee and socializing, a fellow came up and asked Ed if he'd sing as part of a barbershop quartet on Saturday night! I expected him to come up with some excuse, but after a little hesitation he said "Yes." I can hardly wait!

*Ed can sing. He just doesn't like to in church. So I know he'll do fine. (And of course I'll have to post a video of it here, just so we can all enjoy!)


Dy said...

ROFL. That is priceless about Ed's "singing". Guys are funny about that stuff, sometimes.

I'm SO glad you have at least some stability during the search for a new priest. Limbo is hard on everyone. (This new guy sounds better than the last new guy, too. I mean, if you've got a church full of kids who *want* to be involved, you don't turn them away b/c it might get a little messy. Be sure to add that knowledge to your requirement list in the search for a new priest, no?)

Melora said...

The new guy seems quite nice. Very low key. I drop comments about how much we like the kids involved as acolytes into all of my conversations with members of the vestry!