Saturday, February 21, 2009

You Learn Something New...

We took the kids to the pizza/game parlor in town today, and then to Belks to buy birthday clothes for Ed. The restaurant is one of the sort with big tv sets hanging all over the place, and while the kids tossed balls and won tickets I found myself watching "My Big Redneck Wedding" on the television in front of me. Even without the sound, it was fascinatingly horrible. Mind boggling. Not just that people would behave the way these did, but that they would do it on national television. The "wedding cake" made of Moon pies did have a certain something, though.

When the kids finally ran out of tokens we headed off to Belks. This is just a little Belks, and the kids are finally big enough not to run off and hide in the clothing racks (hallelujah!), but Travis was So Bored he Nearly Died. Really. Katie tried on dresses and drenched herself in Estee Lauder perfume, but there was nothing to amuse a ten year old boy. I saw a nice pair of sandals but was too busy keeping the kids on the straight and narrow to look at them closely, and anyway I don't really need sandals. Ed finally settled on a couple nice pairs of pants, then it took foreverandaday to pay for them, and then we were Done! I think everyone's cravings for commercial excitement are fully satisfied for a long time to come, and I am so grateful to be home. And I am now sure that if I am ever invited to a Redneck Wedding I will, with deepest regrets, find myself unable to attend.


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I have never heard of My Big Redneck Wedding. Is it a reality show?

I have been to a few cowboy weddings that were not what I would plan but very tender and sweet and fun nevertheless.

It sounds like these people on this show went out of their way to be tasteless to the extreme.

On another note, I have the same shopping problems with the Boychick. When he was younger he hid from me in the clothing racks and now, well, unless it's a trip to get him jeans (which he can stand for 30 minutes tops) he simply refuses to go or hangs out at the book store the whole time!

Melora said...

Travis tells me that the station we were watching was the Country Music Television station. And it certainly appeared to be a reality show, though I have a hard time believing that they were not performing. This was about as far from tender and sweet as you could get.

If there had been a bookstore, Travis would have been very happy to wait for us there, but this is a "stand-alone" Belks in a run down strip mall. I love where we live, but the shopping stinks.