Monday, March 02, 2009

This is More Like It

We finally got a good snow last night. Not substantial by, say, Maine standards, but really good for our snow deprived corner of North Carolina. The forecasts called for 5 to 8 inches, but the wind was blowing hard, so I don't think it was evenly distributed. At any rate, there was enough that we looked out the windows this morning and decided to postpone school and go snowboarding first (the school across the street was closed too).

Ed was trying to explain the layout of our "neighborhood" to his older brother last night on the phone, so I've included a couple extra landscape-y pictures as a visual aid. Hi, Bob! Our house is the one you see across the street, in between the big white house and the one story brick. Actually, you can hardly see our house because there are two big magnolias in front of it, but that is where it is.
Anyway, there is a nice embankment sort of thing on the far side of the baseball/soccer fields which is good for sliding down. I told the kids just not to slide down towards any poles or the concrete wall. Mostly they listened.Getting back to the tour, if you look at the picture above, the white Baptist church on the right is on the other side of the one story brick house beside us. Across the street from the Baptist church is a little grocery store, which was open when we moved in but is now closed (very sad for us). Kitty-corner from the church is another (tiny) store, which has been closed since we moved in but which is now being painted and worked on and which we think (hope) will be opened as a convenience store. So, we are one house and one church away from the cross roads at the hopping center of our little one stop sign community!

Travis spent a fair lot of time face down in the snow. A combination of drama and natural clumsiness, I think. He always emerged happy, though.
By the time we were done my fingers were practically frozen. Boy, did they hurt. In fact, they're still a little tender. I am so glad that we didn't move any farther north! But today was fun. And by evening practically all the snow had melted! How great is that? (And I'm not gloating, Daddy. Just grateful!)

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