Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holiday Things

After church today we dropped Katie off at the public park in town with her dance group so that she could be in the Christmas parade. We went home long enough to give Finn a little love, then back to town to watch the parade. And despite the overcast skies and cold temperature, it was certainly... something!

Really, I think nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a zombie-mobile.

Unless, perhaps, it's a corps of ax whirling ...? Well, I was so startled by the waving axes that I failed to notice what this group calls itself*. But they certainly look jolly and just radiate "peace on earth" vibes, don't they?

Travis just loves having his picture taken.

To be fair, there were some "normal" floats.

And, in a surprising and truly delightful change from tradition, the long, long line of emergency vehicles did not blare their sirens as they drove slowly past us. I really appreciated that.

I always love the old tractors.

But this family looked to me to have gotten into the parade accidentally. They were headed out to the back forty to feed the ... somethings, and next thing they knew they were part of a long line of tractors rolling through town. Disconcerting when that happens, isn't it?

And then some things just utterly defy explanation.

But here is Katie, in back of the dance studio's float (because she didn't want to be put to work keeping baby dancers from falling off the flatbed, but, as she said afterwards, walking was a good way to stay warm anyway!).

Lest you get the wrong idea, there really were some cute entrants!

 And then home to play with the cat! Livy dearly loves a frolic, as you can see by her amused expression.

Just look at how nice Ed's tree is! A perfect fit, and Katie, as usual, is doing a lovely job decorating it.

My job is to admire (and make small but helpful suggestions!).

ETA. Travis called my attention to the fact that my "ax corps" is really more inclusive than I gave them credit for. The man standing next to the woman with the ax (they are in front of the store window advertising "toys and guns") is holding something that Travis says is a harpoon. To deal with wayward Appalachian whales? I've no idea. But a closer look at the other picture I took shows a banner that identifies them as the Surry County Volunteer Fire Fighter Honor Guard. So I will qualify my teasing by noting that I think volunteer firefighters are absolutely wonderful, amazing people, even if they do baffle me with their choice of holiday accoutrements. If harpoons convey "joy to the world and peace on earth" to them, than by all means let us have harpoons, I say!

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