Saturday, January 07, 2017

Snow! Snow! Little Finn wants to Play in the Snow!

Sorry. Ten years here, and I'm still a Floridian, and seeing all that white stuff just makes me think of "Froggy," with his "Snow! Snow! I want to play in the snow!" (Froggy Gets Dressed)
Anyway, we finally got the snow Ed's been longing for, and it's deep (for here -- probably at least five inches, I think) and powdery (so it doesn't stick!) and lovely. And Finn is absolutely Mad for it! The kids didn't much want to go out in it, except briefly, to humor Finn, but he had a marvelous time running around and around the yard, pouncing and playing. 

And this was yesterday's dinner. Ed made it, and I think it's very colorful and cheery. Wish I could eat some!

And these were actually taken after Christmas, but I missed them before.
Finny found this squeaky hedgehog. It rolls around making noises, and it makes Finn feel extremely predatory -- he actually flings it in the air, like a proper little hunter (here is a link to a picture of a coyote flinging a vole about, just to show what I mean. only you now need to picture Finn flinging a mechanical hedgehog.)

And this is Finn sweet-talking a doggy gingerbread man, right before he gulps it down like the fox in the story (the story of The Gingerbread Man, that is). My old college roommate's dog, Bart,  very kindly sent Finn a box of Trader Joe's Gingerbread Flavor Dog Treats along with his mistress's gifts to the rest of the family, and he loves his cookies. Thank you, Bart!

So, now we've had our snow and can get on to some nice spring weather, I think!


Unknown said...

Snow!! How fun! Bart and I walked 4 miles today in SEVEN DEGREE WEATHER! Your little "Florida self" would have frozen to death- but I think Finny would have had a blast!

Melora said...

Hey, Darcy! Oh my gosh -- 7 degrees??? You ARE tough! It's 15 degrees here now, and there is no way I'd go walking -- my fingers freeze, even in gloves, in the 20's -- but Finny was happy to play outside for a few minutes after breakfast. With the wind it feels even colder than it is (the weather channel says "15, feels 4") and he wanted to come in and get warm before long. For hot cocoa and cookies! (Okay, no doggie cocoa, but you've got him all set on the cookies!)

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love the pictures of Finny in the snow. My dogs are always like that on the first snow as well--it's contagious joy.

Melora said...

Thanks, Carol! Yes, I love watching his joy at springing and racing around through the stuff, even if I have no desire at All to join him out there.