Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today was warm and gorgeous. After church we went over to Stone Mountain. The water was very chilly, but the kids didn't mind a bit.

On the way back from church today, Katie asked me, "Mom, can I have some bras?"
Took me a couple times asking "what's that?" to be sure I was understanding her right, but that is what she wanted. Seems that one of her friends, aged 7, has one. Oh my. Of course I said "no."

In other news, I spent most of Saturday making up programs for our Hamlet, which will be performed next Saturday. Afterward I realized that I had made them in an unnecessarily complicated way, but they look pretty good. The weeds in my flower beds don't know that it is unsporting for them to grow when it is too cold (by my standards) to pull them. I spent quite a while weeding, but still have miles to go. But the roses are all covered in buds, which is encouraging.

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