Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rebecca Redux

The children have recently insisted on acting out all of their poems. Also, unfortunately, a fair number of the prayers, and some of the science lists, including the "characteristics of living things." They are almost finished learning "The Duke of Plaza-Toro," by W.S. Gilbert, which lends itself nicely to being acted, but for today we have, again, "Rebecca, Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Perished Miserably."

We went and saw the sixth Harry Potter this morning, and thought it was very good. The 10:00 am showing turned out to be an excellent choice -- not many other people there, and those that were there were quiet. There was quite a bit from the book that I missed, but if they'd included it all the movie would have been impossibly long, and one of the "additions" was very strange, but on the whole the movie was really well done.

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