Saturday, December 29, 2012

Family Stuff

My baby brother, his lovely girlfriend, and one of his children (now a college student -- how is this possible?)  were in town this week, and we've really enjoyed their company! Well supplied since Christmas with new books, games, and sweets, we've spent the week lounging around the house, eating, talking, and playing!

Many games of Bananagrams....

and some chess (here my dad is trying to give Arnold a sufficient handicap. Turns out that even with all his pieces taken and both hands tied behind his back he still wins!).

We turned up the thermostat from where we normally keep it in winter, but our delicate Floridian guests still shivered! (Harry greatly approves of company that sits on the floor!)

 My brother, who keeps the Palm Beach County computer system (at least a part of it) running, thought my computer would run better with a tune-up, but he didn't seem hugely eager to spend his vacation working on it so I didn't push it. If it is still tottering along when he comes next year, though.....

My mom, trying to enjoy a peaceful moment!

And more Bananagrams.

I don't know why they are all doing "puppy-dog paws," but they are still pretty cute!

And one with me in it! I believe that my sweet, demure mother is making bunny ears for Travis!

They (my brother and crew) are headed back to Florida tomorrow, but we've loved spending time with them!

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