Saturday, October 05, 2013

An Amazingly Wonderful, Perfectly Fabulous Day!

 Wow. The Perfect day.

It really was That good.
The kids were sweet and thoughtful all day. (Ed, of course, is always sweet and thoughtful.) The cats only threw up once, and then in the basement! They spoiled me!

And.... oh, why pretend I don't care? I got fabulous presents!!! We bought a bookcase, and I got birthday money and spent some of it (a lot of it!) on books, and there was enough left over I'll be able to get new sneakers! And I got books and candy and pens and candy! And it was just so wonderful!

 Katie and Ed gave me candy! And sweet Travis gave me the set of Sharpies I've been coveting at Walmart! (Marking papers will have to be more fun with such delicious colors!)

And here.... ta da! The new bookcase! Aesthetically, perhaps, the fit leaves a little to be desired, but the china cabinet doors open unimpeded, and all the books are visible and accessible, so I call that Good Enough. And Adult Fiction has its own bookcase! Now That is pleasing!

Lovely, lovely presents!

Katie made me this beautiful cake. The icing gave her trouble. Two batches of it. So she decided to write "Happy Birthday Mommy" in dried cranberries instead. It was Very delicious!

And we played badminton. They are doing silly poses, here.

And Travis made dinner. By himself! And did all the washing up afterwards!

He also invented the recipe. Chicken with pesto, extra garlic, and sundried tomatoes. It was superb.

I had three helpings!

Days just don't come much better than this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday melora! i'm so glad you had a wonderful day. (and heheee about the cats vomiting ONLY in the basement...that IS considerate!).