Sunday, June 23, 2019

On We Go.

It's been a while. Losing Jeremy really threw me for a loop. He lived with gusto, though, and I'm doing no honor to his memory with morbid moping. So. On with enjoying life and making the world a better place!

We've had a beautiful spring here. Great weather for walking and playing in the yard. And the pool is turning out to be really nice to have!

And Finny is now getting in! As far as the first step, anyway, but that's progress!

We've more or less finished the island bed in the back, and I'm pleased with the way it's coming along.

The flowers in the front are nice too.

Except those first two pictures are from the back garden. 

And the people here are doing okay too! Katie is working at a day camp, and Travis is taking the last class he needs at the community college to finish his "two year" degree. And Ed and I are dipping our toes political involvement and generally occupying ourselves (it's not All floating in the pool!).

This is my first effort at blogging from my phone, so I hope it works! My desktop has been feeling its years and it takes ages to do anything with it, but, on the other hand, my phone typing is so slow that this may not offer any advantage. We'll see.

Finny says you'd like to see a couple pictures of him before I finish!

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