My dream -- one of them -- has come true and the liriope is gone! Okay, not "gone" gone. It is still running along the property line on both sides of the front yard, and I actually replanted the stuff I dug out, with TREMENDOUS effort, on the eroding bank of the creek behind the house. But, as of lunch time today, it is gone from the borders of the beds in the front! Enthusiastic CHEER!
My enthusiastic cheer was followed, after lunch, by the dawning recognition that setting the edging stones is actually quite exacting, slow work. Walloping away at grass cemented into clay soil is exhausting but very straightforward. Still, I set a couple in today, and tomorrow I'm sure I will make Tremendous progress. And then I'll talk Ed into ordering a pile of mulch. And then my perennial seeds will have grown into beautiful plants, and then the yard will awash with beautiful blossoms and happy pollinators!
Clearly I need to read up on the process.
And we'll conclude with a couple pictures of some pretty things flowering in the back. And it's a good thing they flowered earlier rather than later, because, judging by the holes in the hosta leaves back there, we have a population of voracious slugs.
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