Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Reprieve

No rain this weekend, so we don't know yet if our roof is fixed. But it might be. Sort of.

A very nice man (the same one who built our deck) came out on Saturday and spent quite a bit of time looking at our leak. He found a big hole from a broken nail (I guess a big nail) which was situated in a place that made it a likely suspect. He filled in the hole with tar, and didn't charge us anything. How is That for nice? Certainly shored up my faith in human decency, which is always a good thing. So now we are just waiting for a good long rain to come and show us whether that tar actually fixed the problem.

This afternoon we went and played at Stone Mountain, on the waterfall. Katie has become completely fearless about sliding down the lower slide, and she goes like Lightning in her giant inner tube. The place was very crowded, and I kept having to remind her to wait her turn. And of course, she shouldn't be pushy, but I can't help but be impressed and relieved that my shy little girl has become so brave. Travis, who is so boisterous with people he knows well, still hangs back and is sometimes timid with people who are unfamiliar. It just seems like life is more fun for people with vast self-confidence!

And then we had ice cream.
Ed might be starting his fall/winter beard. Today was pretty warm, though, so he doesn't want to commit.

1 comment:

Wisteria said...

We had a leak for a couple of years. We hired someone to come and fix it. He plugged some holes, squirted some tar, and adjusted the flashing.

Then we waited. It happened to be a long time before we got rain. The first rain, no leaks. The second rain, no leaks. The third, we had problems.

After two years of plugging holes and other more temporary measures, we replaced that section of the roof.

Hope your fix is permanent.