Friday, September 26, 2008

Farewell Friday

Social Services called today and told us that N. and P.'s aunt and uncle have been approved, and we are to bring the children in to the office at 4:00 this afternoon.

Travis got sick yesterday afternoon and was already spending today on the couch, and Katie complained of a tummy ache this morning, so we weren't doing much in the way of school anyway. I read stories to Katie, Travis, and N. for a while this morning, but mostly this afternoon we've been washing clothes and gathering P. and N.'s things. For children who arrived with nothing but the clothes on their backs, they've accumulated quite a bit of stuff. And Katie is busily finding more trinkets to fill N.'s bags with.

N. has been very affectionate and friendly with us all along, but she seems comfortable with the idea of going to her aunt's. P. does not want to go, and said today that he Likes living with us. Of course I know that it is Travis and his Nintendo DS with the Lego Star Wars game that he likes, but still, his wanting to be with us is rather flattering. P. has been ornery almost beyond belief for the past two weeks, though with odd flashes of sweetness, and he has sorely tested my patience, so I am pleased (and surprised) to find that he either hasn't noticed or hasn't minded my occasional irritableness. Of course, from things he and his sister have said, I understand that their mother expresses her emotions without any subtlety, so perhaps they aren't bothered by a tense voice or a terse answer. Anyway, I'm glad and grateful that they have been happy with us!

*** Updated to add:
We handed the kids over to their aunt and uncle. They seemed happy to see each other and very comfortable together, and the aunt and uncle appeared to be nice people.


Dy said...

{{hugs}} It sounds like you have experienced your first fostering with a great deal of love and grace. I'm proud of you, you know that?

Hope the kiddos are feeling better soon!

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Oh, I do hope yours feel better, and that the foster kids do well with their relatives.

I imagine that it is quieter in your home now, and that even after only a few weeks you miss them.

But what a good experience this has to be for you.

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Well, I had a lot of catching up to do here, it seems.

((hugs)) Sorry for the loss of Ed's mother.

Hope the kids do well with their relatives. I'm glad they had a nice place to be in the meantime. That was a cool thing y'all did. :)