Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today at Prairie Girls, the girls started Autograph Albums. I draw a blank when handed a book and told to write something memorable, but Katie was inspired.
Travis fancies the little girl with the blindfold in the picture above, and he wouldn't have minded in the least if she had caught him. But she didn't.
Travis enjoyed being "it." Blind man's bluff, one of the games the kids played from Little Town on the Prairie, was a hit!

Ed hates Play Doh. I'm not overstating his feelings. But N. came with a tub and wanted to play with it but didn't want to share. So we had to buy enough for everyone. (Okay, I felt like we had to buy enough for all. Ed would have handled it differently. But he humors me.) So now we have Play Doh, and, when they aren't fighting over it (because I don't think we could have bought enough), the kids are having fun with it.
Katie made a dragon.
N. wanted me to take her picture, but I insisted she make something other than a pancake if I was going to do it. So she made a ball. (And then about twenty more, each of which she wanted to be photographed with. The child isn't camera shy.)And Travis made a dragon. He showed me a Yu Gi Oh card with the "Black Luster Soldier" dragon thingy which is the model for his creation. He is telling me that is is not a "dragony thing." It is a "soldiery thing." Obviously.

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