Monday, September 08, 2008

Good News from Florida

Ed's mother seems to be recovering! Apparently, all it took was the sight of my darling husband. Well, and maybe some doctors and possibly some divine intervention. I don't know. Plus, she is a tough cookie. She isn't out of semi-intensive care yet (who knew there was such a place?), but I am told that she is looking pretty good (relatively speaking, of course).

This weekend the kids and I were catching up on what we missed last Monday in our book discussion group. The lesson was on Plot, and our example story was Peter Rabbit. We talked about Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Denouement, and Conclusion. Katie is good at this sort of thing, and could identity all the parts of the story just fine, but some of the terminology is a little new to her. When I asked her what Mrs. Rabbit gave Peter that night, while Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were having bread and milk and blackberries for supper, Katie promptly answered, " Denouement Tea." (We aren't herbal tea drinkers, and chamomile is just as foreign to her as denouement.)

We made this chocolate-marmalade cake tonight in honor of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was very good. We had BLT's for dinner, because Ed doesn't eat pork and while he is gone we figured we should console ourselves by eating meals we wouldn't eat if he were here. The BLT's were good too.

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