Sunday, September 07, 2008

In Which I Do Not Teach Sunday School*

Ed's mom isn't doing well. Along with other stuff, her kidneys have stopped working. Around 2:00 am last night, after several phone calls with siblings in various parts of the country, Ed decided that he should go down to Florida. He left this morning at 6:30, and the kids were a little shocked to wake up and find Daddy gone.

Travis quickly took over as Man of the House. He has already dealt with two camel crickets, and he and Katie went foraging next door and brought home a few apples.

(The trees are on the church's rental property next door. No one picks them up, so I think it is okay if we eat them. Katie ate four or five tonight.)

Ed called from the hospital this afternoon and said his mother is looking better than he expected. Of course, since he wasn't sure he would get there in time to see her again in this life, that isn't saying much, but still it is nice. I miss him.

*I was supposed to teach Sunday School today, and I had a good lesson put together. Of course, with Ed taking the car off at the crack of dawn, I couldn't make it. Fortunately, because our priest recently called us at an unholy hour in the morning (for some ridiculous thing), I felt no qualms about calling him this morning, at a similar hour, to let him know I wouldn't be there.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I wish you the best. I also feel sad when my husband is not here with me. He truly is my other half, and I miss him.

It looks like the kids are bravely stocking up! That was more than a few apples. LOL.

I hope all goes well with Ed's mother.