Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Post!

There wasn't much rain today (though more is forecast through the weekend), and I was able to put away the drip buckets! We did have rain last night, though, and no more water dripping through the ceiling fan, so I am hopeful that the tarps are doing their job. Yay! Also, the children's brains returned and we had quite a good day of school. I will be able to enjoy our week off much better if I don't feel our schooling is an abject failure. (Okay. Abject failure is a little strong, but things have been a little dicey since Thanksgiving. Mostly my fault, since I wasn't feeling great, but the kids are quick to take advantage if I am weak. Little wolves.) Both these improvements have raised my spirits, and put me in a nearly festive mood!

The subject of our priest's replacement came up at dinner tonight. Ed, who is enjoying teasing me about the possibility of a woman priest*, asked what I thought she would be like. I responded despairingly with, "What do you even call a woman priest? Certainly not Father!"
Katie knew that one, though. "You call her a Babe!"

*I don't have any clear ideas on Why I'd rather not have a woman priest. I guess I'm just set in my ways.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Babe! I love it! :)

I also have weird feelings about women in the pulpit. Not sure why, but it makes me twitch. :)

Sorry to hear that you have been dripping! I hope it's fixed soon!