This may be my last post for a while, as my hard drive seems to be dying. Actually, I noticed a new little icon in the bottom left hand corner of the screen at least a day or so ago, but I didn't look at it closely until today. Ominously, it says "A drive is failing. Try to back up data immediately." "Try," of course, being the operative word. I Thought I had a great back-up system in place, with an external hard drive set to back up my data every evening. It was even supposed to restore my whole system "at the touch of a button." Sounds great, right? But I checked it today and was dismayed to see that it shows Zero restore points, and refused to create any, no matter how I begged and pleaded with it. After consultation with my computer guru baby brother, I ordered a new hard drive from a company in California. Several hours later I spoke with my brother again and realized that I had ordered the Wrong Kind of hard drive. So I called the people in California to switch my order, only to find that they had already Sent the thing out. Wouldn't you know. So I am feverishly if not constructively worrying about all the data which I may be about to lose and Ed is telling me not to worry because he is sure he can easily just plug in a new hard drive and hook everything up (Ed is slightly less computer savvy than I am, but has tremendously more self confidence. Which may come in handy. And at least he isn't telling me that he can fix the thing with a well placed hammer whack.) But our roof tarps are still holding and we have decided that Emma's agonized and incessant yowling is a sign that she has reached puberty rather than that she is sick and needs an expensive trip to the vet. So it could be considerably worse!
Here's hoping that the old hard drive does not fail completely until the new one is in place! Cheers!
Thank you!
I'll add a hope, and a prayer, in that same direction for you. Computer trouble sucks. Every time we go through something like this, I get really neurotic about backing things up for a while, then I get complacent, and of course, THAT's when it breaks. :P
Thanks KathyJo! Ed and I just spent several anxious hours operating, and it looks as though we May have fixed it. I hope. And like you, I will be virtuously backing things up for a few weeks and then will certainly go back to my trusting ways.
Oh my! I hope all works out for you!
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