Friday, January 23, 2009

Lovely, Lovely Warm Air

We have heat!!
The furnace man came today to give the furnace a thorough cleaning out and to have a look at the heat exchange thingy that was suspected to be broken. Happy, happy day! It wasn't broken after all. Our furnace was just so outlandishly clogged with filth (and dead birds and stuff), that it could no longer do its job and was puffing out soot and CO by way of protest. I now have soot covering every surface of my house, but the furnace is Working! Of course, the cleaning didn't come cheap, but it was a tenth the cost of what we had feared we would have to pay for a new furnace, so it seemed like a bargain. And did I mention that I am warm? Such bliss.


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Congratulations! There is nothing better than looking at the cold outdoors from a warm, centrally heated room!

Dy said...

I am SO glad you have heat again! YIPPEEE!!!