Friday, March 20, 2009

Much Ado Over Teeth

Ed and Travis spent most of the day with the orthodontist. My cute little boy left looking like this:

and came home like this:Still cute, but somehow older looking. They don't put braces on little boys. Also a little sadder. The list of foods (and chilled beverages -- what is the point of that?) that he is not supposed to have is discouragingly long. And the orthodontist says he needs to have four teeth pulled. Two adult and two baby. Poor baby.

Katie and I spent the day reading, playing, and doing laundry. Lots of laundry. We got in a little school too, but not much. Having Travis away throws our routine.

Katie stole a little of Travis's dental glory by losing a tooth today. She insisted that we take an afternoon nap, in the hopes that the Tooth Fairy would come early, but it didn't work. It was a very nice nap, though!
She also insisted that I take a picture of her teeth.
I just hope that she can arrange to have her new teeth come in properly aligned.

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