Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Update and Some Amazing Sheep!

We had a nice, quiet weekend. Sunday, particularly, was beautiful. We went to church. I taught Sunday School to a grand total of five children, including my own. But the lesson went fine, and I had lots of left over craft materials. We got home and I started cleaning and Ed sent the kids out front to gather up some of the zillions of cones that the magnolia trees have dropped on our front lawn. Katie protested that "the Bible says Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy," (which obviously excludes picking up magnolia cones), but Ed made her go out anyway (and refrained from telling her to "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother"). Picking up the cones didn't take the kids long at all, but a few hours later, when I went out to fill the bird bath, I discovered that that was because they had only picked up a few before calling it quits. Normally this would have bothered me, but it turned out to be so absolutely lovely outside that I decided to pick up magnolia cones and sticks instead of vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, and finishing the laundry. So I did, and it was much more amusing than housework. Then Ed set the stuff I had gathered on fire and it burned up beautifully. And there are still enough cones, sticks, and leaves in the yard to have bonfires every day for a week. Maybe Ed will even let the kids roast hot dogs tonight!

And now, what you've undoubtedly been waiting for! Sheep! I found this video on Amy's My Foil Hat, and it is just wonderful. You need to see this.

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