Monday, June 24, 2019

Battle for the Green Tomatoes

I've done better with my tomatoes this year than I've Ever done before. Well, except that year when I was a kid and we were moving into a new house and I took on the care of the cherry tomato plants that sprouted after the guys putting up pool screening tossed their lunch leftovers in our yard. Those were some amazing tomato plants. But also, clearly, very determined, so I can't take much credit. This year's plants, though, have been producing heroically, and I'm sure at least some of that is thanks to my dedicated care.

Yesterday, however, Finny discovered the tomatoes. We have been keeping him from trampling the plants with a low wire fence, but when he discovered that Finnies Love tomatoes, our little fence was suddenly woefully insufficient. And I'm not just being selfish. Katie immediately googled dogs and tomatoes, and it turns out that they are not a good combination. The emergency vet's office assured me that Finn should be fine, but we kept an eye on him, and Katie was terribly upset when we wouldn't let her spend the night watching him breathe (I checked on him every couple hours, much to his surprise).

So today Ed put up a big new fence. A beautiful fence! Bamboo (our neighbors wretched invasive bamboo is keeping us well supplied with poles, anyway) and twine. And so far Finn hasn't broken through. I will keep you updated!

1 comment:

carol said...

Tomatoes?!? What a dog!!