Thursday, December 05, 2019

The Naughty List

Finny's picture comes first. Yesterday Ed and I came home from shopping and Finny greeted me happily. As usual. But his breath was unusually ... nice. Pepperminty. And when I scritched his dear fluffy ears I found sticky bits of candy cane crumb stuck to his fur. Also bits coating his paws. So we checked the tree.
ALL of the candy canes on the bottom half were gone. Completely. Plastic and all. I counted, and he had eaten 13.*
This might not be so bad except that the candy canes were our sole decorations Because the day Before I had caught him eating one of the beautiful old ornaments my mom made. And the day before that he had eaten another. Well, not eaten so much, as shredded. Lucky for him, too, since they are the sort made by sticking heavily beaded pins into fabric covered balls. Anyway, we had taken all the ornaments off and were trying just candy canes. Ha.
And how was the dear boy reaching all the ornaments you ask? 

He had assistance. Actually, cats being cats, I expect they regarded Him as the assistant. The one charged with destroying the evidence.
This tree is new. Purchased last year, after Christmas -- our Long longed for Artificial Tree. No more shed pine needles. No more slopping water all over the floor. No more having Gussy lose all her fur in December due to a pine allergy.
Unfortunately, what we didn't reckon with it that this tree has firm branches and even a chubby cat can scale it and rub noses with the angel (you'll notice our angel is sitting at a drunken sort of angle, which is Not how Ed placed her!).

So today Ed and I went out again, this time to the Walmart. We bought shiny plastic balls and strings of garland (only silver was left), and I'm going to make one last effort to have a decorated tree this year. My dad and Ann are getting married on Sunday and my darling sil is coming in on Friday to stay with us and I hope other family members will drop by to visit over the weekend and I would Really like to have the great big tree is my living room have some ornaments besides mouse traps on it.
*The photos of Finny and the candy cane are, probably obviously, staged. Although he was very willing to demonstrate Just how he ate all the candy canes.


carol said...

I shouldn't laugh, but i did, both at the idea of Finn eating the candy canes (oh, the temptation! You silly mom--but who could reckon with the two animals working in cahoots!) and at the mousetrap covered tree.

Melora said...

It IS kind of funny, but also crazy-making. OTHER people manage Christmas and pets, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Now we have plastic shiny balls -- they crush in Finny's mouth, rather than shattering dangerously -- on just the Bottom half of the tree. It looks a little odd, but it's the best we're going to get this year.