Saturday, February 01, 2020

Uphill, Glancing Back, but, Still, Onward!

Mom's birthday was January 28th, and this past Tuesday was our second January 28th without her. The loss is still harshly painful. There have been so many things I wish I could have discussed with her, asked her about, shared. Things she would have been excited about -- new babies in the family, Katie's acceptance to college, Bernie Sanders in the lead -- and other things -- my tentative forays into political volunteering, directionless offspring-- where I would treasure her thoughts.

Still, things being what they are, I hope she isn't too disappointed with how we are getting on. My dad e-mailed me a link to the photos of his December 8th wedding. On her birthday. It's not that he's forgotten her. He took us out to dinner, to a place she had liked, and afterwards we had dessert at our house. I made "Peace & Plenty," which is a sort of cheesecake pie with strawberries and blueberries on top, a Maida Heatter recipe, that my mom used to make. Anyway, I made that, and my darling sister-in-law organized Jeremy's girls and my sister to All make and post birthday desserts for Mom.

We remembered her. And yet, my dad sent the link to these absolutely gorgeous professional wedding photos. My parents were very young and very poor when they got married, and there are no photos. Just the stories, about the justice of the peace who married them and his wife, who was a witness. And his Shetland sheepdog, Tigger, who was the other witness. But this time there are very fancy, beautiful photos. He looks happy. Which is what Mom would have wanted. She was clear about that.

But even nicer than very professional photos of my dad and his new bride were the photos my niece and my sister-in-law sent of my mom's brand new great grand-son. My brother's grandson. Named after him. She would so have loved to snuggle this baby!

Little Jeremy. Isn't he sweet. Mom loved babies...

Like I said, she always loved babies. And a day of remembering her with cakes, celebrating my dad's renewed zest for life, and oooing and awwwing over photos of our family's newest member seems like a pretty appropriate day to spend her birthday. Love you, Mom!


Janie said...

Sweet remembrance, Melora. I didn't know her except through you, but this brought some teary eyes here.

Melora said...

Thank you, Janie.