Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Decade of Gourmet Cooking!

Having recognized the futility of my new year's resolutions I scaled things up this time and went for a "New Decade Resolution." The 20's will be my decade of "gourmet" cookery. "Gourmet" in quotes, which may or may not be ironic, depending on the day. At least different recipes than I've been using for the past thirty or so years. I've stopped buying those handy little jars of pre-minced garlic and tubes of grated ginger. I overcame my revulsion of chicken thighs enough to use them, and I'll admit that they do work better in dishes where breasts would dry out. I got some actual kitchen shears and used them to cut up a few chickens (and learned that this is a job best done in the sink), and I bought and cooked quinoa (which I think is amazing and Ed and Travis were kind of "meh" on). And, my favorite thing so far, I've been making all sorts of soups! Carrot, sweet potato, mushroom, butternut squash -- all filling, delicious, improved with a generous dash of port, and Ed is now eating his veggies! Also, soup gives me an excuse to play with kitchen toys! Except, we call them "tools". That makes them sound necessary and utilitarian. But we all know better.

(The mortar & pestles are new as of the holidays! One for herbs & garlic, one for spices. Also the gigantic utensil holder. And the garlic holder. Because ... garlic!)

The spice racks seemed like an extravagance to He Who Manages the Budget, but then I demonstrated to him that in the longer term they will be an economy. No more having lost jars of spices go stale or buying duplicates.

He says I have too much thyme on my hands.

The faucet that came with the house broke and I just think this one is pretty.

I've told Ed that the 30's will be the decade of cold cereal -- for everything there is a season, right? -- but I'm having fun cooking again for the first time in a long time, so, we'll see.

In other news.

Katie is, barring anything unexpected, going to go to the University of NC at Greensboro. I bought her the sweatshirt, and they are giving her some money, so that seems pretty solid. We (all) like this choice because she'll be close enough to home (about an hour away) that she can come home when she wants, but far enough off to feel independent. In the abstract it seems very suitable, but actually thinking about my baby living away from home is wrenching, so I don't.

Travis is still weighing his options. At least, I assume that is what he's doing. What I see him doing when I bring up clean laundry is designing digital suits of armor for CGI monsters. Which might be a lucrative career if he could find some digital monsters with money. But I'm sure something will turn up.

Aside from the cooking I'm puttering around with various things.

"My" sweet little first grader is making progress with his reading -- we worked through the first book and he's very excited to be starting Book 2 (the orange book) next Tuesday.

We're doing a little bit of political stuff. We hosted a party, along with our precinct chair and his wife, for some local and state candidates, and I cooked way too much food and Ed bought way too much beer. But cheesecakes freeze nicely and the beer will eventually get drunk. And yesterday we went to a workshop to learn how to register voters, and I'm writing postcards and hanging door-hangers. Little things, but it's nice to do something that might improve on the current situation.

Finny makes sure I get out and walk most days, even when it's Way too cold. He is really a pretty good boy as long as he gets some exercise, and really naughty when he doesn't.

I'm trying to keep some herbs alive (this connects back to the cooking thing). This was supposed to be an economy, but what with the cold and the cats (who eat plants), it has turned into something else. A Challenge. There's the zip up greenhouse, the heater, etc. Kali likes to ooch herself under the plastic and bask in her private sauna, which does make the whole set-up seem a little silly.

I don't have a picture of Kali in the greenhouse, and I haven't actually witnessed her getting into it while it's zipped up (I would like to see that), but she's clever (we have magnetic cabinet locks on the kitchen cabinets she's previously opened -- this is the first time I've seen her opening the doors over the refrigerator).

So, that's it. I hope your decade has gotten off to a great start too, with high hopes and plans for new adventures!

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