Saturday, March 04, 2006

K.'s Party

K.'s party was a success! All of the guests we expected came, the weather was absolutely perfect, and everyone had fun.
K.'s three new friends from dance and gymnastics all seem to be nice little girls, and their parents were congenial. One little girl brought her brother, who is close to T.'s age, and Hana from next door came. Ed's parents came and stayed for a bit. Ed's pizzas were a hit, and everyone enjoyed the cake, which was delicious. I think this is the first time ever that my craft activities were popular with the kids -- the girls all decorated the little treasure chests and strung the bead necklaces. I've been worried that, because K. hasn't had much opportunity to play with little girls, she wouldn't know how, but she wasn't a bit shy, and she had a marvelous time.
My back was worse today, so I couldn't do much, but my parents and Ed took care of everything.

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