Saturday, August 02, 2008


Emma: "You have to remember to simplify the fractions, and your mom wants you to do it before you multiply them!"

Even Emma eventually gave up. Travis's brain took off early on Friday.


Dy said...

Ah, yes. Good stuff, that. *sigh* We had a little mental checkout here, too. (Shocker, huh? *giggle*)

But they're soooo cute!!


Kathy Jo DeVore said...

How are the Key to books working for y'all? I need to know whether I should pat myself on the back for offering good advice, or start apologizing. ;)

Melora said...

If you are going to be as spacey as Travis, you Have to be cute!

They are great! Travis likes them -- maybe a little too much. (We tried a day of Singapore lately, and the woe and misery were just Pitiful! He is enjoying the Singapore math cd, Vroot and Vroom, though.) I'm going to get the Key to Decimals series, for when we get to that point. So do have a pat on the back from me!

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Glad the books and games are working for y'all! I'd hate to have T. saying nasty things about me every time he sat down to do math. ;)