Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Early Bird Eats at Chez Katie

It has been drizzling pretty steadily here for the last few days. Proper spring weather. The yard is starting to look in serious need of mowing, and the roses are covered in lovely red and green leaves. When I told Katie to look out the kitchen window and see the bunch of robins happily hopping about looking for worms on our neighbors' lawn, it never occurred to me that she would feel sorry for them. She thought it was sad that they had to hunt for their food in the rain, and that we should toss them bread crumbs. I explained that they much preferred the worms, and that they didn't mind the wet (couldn't she see how cheerfully they were bouncing about?). She decided that if it was worms they wanted, it was worms she would give them. Nicely served up in a bowl, sheltered under an umbrella.
She was happily occupied gathering worms for quite a while this afternoon, and it didn't seem that unreasonable to me until Ed looked out just before dinner and asked why the umbrella was sitting opened beside the driveway. Funny how some ideas seem more sensible before you have to explain them to another adult.
The dwarf weeping cherry tree that Ed gave me for our last anniversary is in bloom, and it really is lovely.Of course it is prettier when the flowers aren't soaking wet, but it is nice either way.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Oh, my! What lovely spring wetness and green and pink! Here there is still snow on, and no matter how much precipitation, the air never stays soft and springlike for long. As soon as the snow stops, the sandy winds of spring begin.