Monday, March 30, 2009


Our homeschool group went to High Point today, to see the "Shakespeare to Go" group in a special performance for homeschoolers. Actually, it turned out to be our group and a smattering of other homeschoolers and a few very nicely dressed and well behaved classes from a private school. Apparently, all the homeschoolers left their registrations until the last minute and the director got nervous and invited the school. Then at the last minute, loads of homeschoolers called and wanted to come, so they had to schedule two later performances. Fortunately, all of our children behaved well, so it was only in the matter of polish that the school children showed us up. Oh. And questions. There were two performances, first a montage of clowns and fools from various plays, then, after a lunch break, an hour long Romeo and Juliet (And an hour, by the way, is the perfect length for Romeo and Juliet. Long enough to tell the story, but not so long that you want to get up and personally strangle the irritating young lovers.) So, after Romeo and Juliet was over, the actors changed into street clothes and invited questions from the audience. The school kids had lots. "What is your favorite play?" "How did you get started acting?" "Were you guys (the actors who played Romeo and Juliet) really kissing?" But not a single raised hand from a homeschooled child. Weird.

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