Saturday, April 18, 2009


It is definitely spring now. My yard is covered with these
and dandelions and other little flowers. And my little dogwood stick has survived another winter and bloomed! It is all very pretty.
(This is one of the four cherry trees we planted. The birds got all the cherries last year, not that there were many, and I expect the same will happen this year. But the flowers are so pretty.)
And this is some sort of a fruit tree.Travis and Katie think that we should cancel lessons until it gets cold again, and I admit that the idea has a lot of appeal.

Today is our anniversary. The kids went to the corner shop yesterday and bought us A Surprise. I think they cleared the place out of packaged pastries, and they were so excited about each and every wonderful treat in that basket. I'm normally kind of a snob about pastries that have a longer shelf life than I expect to enjoy, but under the circumstances (sharing each goody four ways) they were just the thing for an anniversary brunch. And there are more to look forward to enjoying tomorrow morning.And from the extreme Other end of the pastry spectrum is this lovely baklava which my mother baked for us. It is just as moist and rich and buttery good as it looks. And best of all, my kids don't like it! Life really Is good.

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