Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Pictures

It is bedtime, but if I don't post these today I never will. And we had a wonderful Easter!

Bo thought the kids got up to find eggs too early on Easter morning, though.
Emma was fascinated by the eggs. She followed Katie and helped examine every one. What she and Harry really enjoy, though, is the aluminum wrappers of the chocolate eggs. I've caught Harry fishing them out of the trash cans to play with. I think it is that crinkly noise. Plus they skitter nicely on the hard floors.
Travis discovered the fun of drawing with crayon on his eggs this year!
The kids got a second egg hunt at church, this time for filled, plastic eggs. They had a great time and got Way too much chocolate. Plus a fair lot of change!
Isn't the forsythia gorgeous? Every year I think that I would like to get some bushes.
Today I had the children make covers for their 3rd quarter history notebooks. We are still on the Ancients, and will be learning about Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, ancient Greeks, etc. Travis spent 20 minutes and was pleased with his picture of stick Spartans battling it out with stick Persians. Katie decided that she wanted to draw Helen of Troy. Google as I would, though, I couldn't find a drawing of Helen that satisfied Katie. "She was the most beautiful woman in the world, you know!" But finally I convinced her that she could draw her own beautiful Helen, using Ed Emberley's drawing books.She did a really excellent horse, but is still working on the perfect Helen.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

It looks like spring is actually springing in your part of the world! Here, it snowed. Oy.