Monday, May 04, 2009

The Play's the Thing

The kids finally performed Hamlet on Saturday night. They were surprisingly good.
We took last week off school in order to devote ourselves to play practice. I had happily anticipated this as a "holiday," where I would have the afternoons free to do school planning and read things purely for my own pleasure. It didn't quite work out that way. Practices ran longer than I expected (and every minute of practice was needed), and when we were done each day I was Tired. But now it is Done, and we aren't planning to do another play until next winter/spring (my kids want The Taming of the Shrew or The Merchant of Venice next).
Now we just have "end of the year*" testing to get through this week, and the we can get back to our Routine. Yay routine!
*Since we school year round, it isn't really End of the Year testing, but the state wants testing and they must be pacified.

1 comment:

Dy said...

The pictures are *great*! I love that you guys did this.

At some point, when you can come up for air, would you mind letting me pick your brain about how you guys set this up? It just looks like *such* a fun project!