Saturday, May 23, 2009



Oh yeah, I've got a blog! And I Love my blog, poor neglected thing that it is.

My mom sent the kids new bathing suits for summer, so we went over to Stone Mountain this afternoon to see if they worked.
Well, you can't actually see them in the pictures, but they worked just dandy! My camera's batteries are teetering on their last legs, but those blurs are my children, sliding down the big rock. They started halfway up, though, not from the top.

Then for a treat Ed took us to the general store (where we usually get ice cream) for dinner. They make really good burgers and fries there. And before we were finished with dinner, Travis's piano teacher and her husband and their grandson showed up. We had forgotten that they often play bluegrass there on Saturdays in the summer. (The general store also sells CDs, and Travis showed me his teacher's "album.") So we stayed, sitting in rocking chairs on the porch and listening to some fine music. By the time we left, there were two banjos, two guitars, a bass, a fiddle, and a really pretty stringed instument that I didn't recognize at all, but the combination was nice. I just don't know how they play so well together without any written music, but, then, I can't even cook without a recipe. Travis got trounced at checkers but had a good time anyway.
And my roses are looking really nice. I'll have to try and get a picture tomorrow, because the New Dawn is pretty wonderful right now.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I love it when the time of year rolls 'round where you start posting your Stone Mountain trips!

Happy Summer.