Monday, June 22, 2009

The Birthday Party Picnic

Today we had Travis's and Katie's joint birthday party/picnic at Stone Mountain. After all the rain we had last week, I was a little apprehensive about the weather, but it was absolutely gorgeous. Blue skies, nice breeze, low-mid 80's. You just couldn't have asked for better. We made sandwiches (all sorts, on cute little dollar rolls -- Katie's "butter and bacon" ones were a surprise hit!), cake, chips, and grapes (token "healthy" food, you know!), and there was plenty, with just enough left over to nibble tonight. We are so lucky to have a great little group of friends, where all the kids get along and the moms do too! It was a wonderful day.

Girls eating cake. Alex appears to be waiting for Something to come down the chimney.The breeze kept wanting to blow out the 18 candles on the cake (7 for Katie and 11 for Travis), but we kept them lit long enough for for birthday children to blow them out.

Here is Travis sliding down the waterfall (starting from the halfway up point, because I am funny about heights). And Katie, going down sideways/backwards.

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