Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Today is a good day for me to remember that I hit the jackpot in the daddy department. I have the best daddy in the whole world, and my children also have the best daddy.

I don't explain these things; I just appreciate them.
First, we have my daddy (on the right) when he probably still thought girls had cooties. But isn't he a cutie?
And then, moving forward just a few years, he is holding me.
I like this picture because I do not have One Single gray hair here. I think my daddy is feeding me cereal, and my pediatrician was probably fine with this. I think he (Daddy) looks absurdly young to be a father, but I was asked three times last week if I am my children's grandmother, so my perspective on this may be skewed.
And finally, here is my daddy with my baby brother, preparing to launch a radio controlled sailboat. I include this partly because they are so sweet looking and partly to demonstrate to my children that we Did So have colored pictures when I was a child.
And moving on to Ed...
This picture of Ed makes me laugh. Yes, he is wearing a neck brace. Does he have the look of a young man who has learned that motorcycles are dangerous and has resolved to travel more carefully in the future? No, not to me either. I am just grateful that we didn't meet until we were both slightly less young and dumb.And this one is pretty funny too. They are eating cake, and Travis is about 8 months old.
And then we have him very mature, holding his little princess (who is about 7 months there).

Happy, happy Father's Day, to my daddy, And to my children's daddy! You guys are the best!

1 comment:

Veronica Boulden said...

That picture of your husband behind his motorcycle in neck brace is hilarious! That's about as good as it gets! This was a very heart-warming post.