Tuesday, June 02, 2009


A friend called me on Sunday afternoon and said she had more cherries on her tree than she would have time to pick and use, and would we like to come and pick some? Our cherry trees are tiny, and the birds have gotten nearly all the cherries, so this afternoon after school we headed over with our coffee cans. She wasn't kidding about the abundance of cherries! We filled our three cans, had a nice time visiting, and went home. I thought I'd have all the cherries pitted before dinner, but I didn't (not even close!). Still, I had nearly four cups, which is enough for a crumble, so that is what we had for dessert.

It was very tasty!

We made clay pots on Monday. It was part of our art program but fitted in well with history as well. Both of the kids, but especially Travis, have been doing really well with their school work lately. I don't know what brought about this increased dedication, but I am enjoying it immensely.

*And yes, I do let her do school in her jammies!

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