Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now, Where Were We?

I don't multi-task well. What with school planning and vacation Bible schools, blogging has been thrown into the same category with the laundry this past week or so. But now VBS is over, and here I am (and the laundry can pile in the basement for just a little longer, because this is more fun!).

Last weekend our church met and had a picnic at the gorgeous farm of one of our members.

Isn't that a pretty place for a church service? The views were glorious in all directions, and the perennial gardens were amazing. (And our priest is front and center, in the shorts.)
There was a scavenger hunt for the children, and they all were given cameras to record their finds. Travis is taking a picture of the Tub of Mint he found (with my help).

And we went to Stone Mountain. The weather has finally gotten really "summery."

We decided to let Travis have another go at mowing (just in the back, and not around my cherry trees). He did a fine job, and did not run the mower up onto the porch even once.

The kids have been looking forward to the vacation Bible school at the church next door, and also the to another one at a church which some of our homeschooling friends attend. As it happened, both were this week -- one in the morning and the other in the evening. Because the evening VBS didn't get done 'til 9:00pm, I decided to give the children the week off school and just rest in the afternoons. The resting part didn't go quite as I'd planned, since the kids brought home friends every afternoon from the morning VBS (whose parents would then pick them up after our evening VBS -- Travis did win a $10 Walmart certificate for bringing the most guests), but they sure had a good week!

At the church next door, one of the "kick-off" activities is touring the community on a fire truck.And then there is ice cream. Lots of ice cream.And here is Ed, playing Apples to Apples with Katie and some of our guests. Ed is ready to get back to our normal routine.

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