Friday, July 24, 2009


A friend kindly gave us a big bag of corn this afternoon, and also potatoes and blueberries! I haven't been feeling very inspired about cooking with Travis away (not that I don't recognize my duty to feed Ed and Katie, but they just don't care about dinner the way Travis does. Few people do.), but the garden fresh produce jazzed up our hot dog dinner considerably. (And since Travis can't eat corn on the cob with his braces anyway, the timing was excellent.)

Katie helped me shuck the corn. She enjoyed doing it, but got kind of squeamish about the little corn worms at the ends of several of the ears.

Katie and I have had a very nice week together. We got a badminton set and she has finally got the hang of hitting the birdie so that it goes forward rather than backward. She tried some knitting with me, but decided that she prefers sewing. And we have read Ballet Shoes, by Noel Streatfield, which she absolutely loves. It has been fun, but we are all ready to have Travis back tomorrow.

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