Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Boy is Home!

We picked Travis up from camp today! He had a great time -- loads of stories of all the fun he had -- but he was happy to see us and to come home. Says he wants to go back next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and be a counselor when he is the right age. And he thinks Katie should go next year. Perish the thought! But it was so good to see him, hug him, and hear about all he has been up to this past week.

The drive up wasn't bad because it was still coolish out, but we got stuck in traffic on the way back and it got quite hot. Not having working air conditioning in the van hasn't been much of a problem for the last two summers, but on a six hour car trip I will admit (but not to Ed) that I miss that luxury.

Travis is going to give a little "thank you" speech at church tomorrow, telling about what he did at camp, so now I'm off to help him iron out the details (it won't do to talk only about the various meals that were served!).


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Yay, Travis!

For years I drove a car that did not have A/C--I even took two cross-country trips in it. I survived--and even thrived, but I've got to say I enjoy the A/C now.

Melora said...

Yup. I know that a/c didn't used to be standard, and that plenty of people don't have it. The Real problem is that we have a cd player in the car (another wonderful luxury!) and we listened to the 6th Harry Potter book on the two six-hour (round trip) trips to the camp. And you can't hear the story properly with the windows down. Which makes the a/c issue more noticeable. We are Way too spoiled!