Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Stuff

The lawn is mowed, the dog is washed, and now, as I wait for the cook to appear and begin dinner preparations (she never does materialize, but it is one of my favorite fantasies), I will catch up on my beloved blog!
Basically, it has just been the usual summer stuff. Swimming, picnics, parties. Pretty much one endless frolic involving lots of wet towels and ice cream sandwiches. I think the children are having a good summer. Yesterday we helped a friend who puts on a yearly children's arts festival. We were put in charge of bean bag tossing and the "pick a duck" activities, which were nicely within our abilities (our friend knows better than to put us in charge of something demanding artistic talent, like face painting). The day was warmish, and Ed got tired and went home, and the children discovered the dunk tank, but I persevered with my bean bags (the ducks really didn't require much supervision). It was fun, but today my thighs are complaining from all the bending over to retrieve bean bags they did yesterday.
We are also continuing with school. Fair warning to my daddy -- there is a cat picture coming!

Katie is making good progress with piano, and so is Travis.

Last weekend was the big Fourth of July event at the park across the street. The parade was, according to a couple locals, the longest ever. It has oodles of old cars and beautiful shiny old tractors. Plus horses, rescue vehicles, and all the "usual" stuff ("Usual" in this case means some floats with many generations of a family on them, a few business cars & trucks, some motorcycles, and lots of the other things I mentioned. No marching bands or cheerleaders for us!) Across the street we had music of all sorts, a wide assortment of fair foods, and games.
Travis and Katie both acquitted themselves honorably in egg tossing, three legged racing, and potato sack racing. We are so proud.We had a yardful of friends over for the fireworks, and everyone had a good time and nobody put an eye out with a sparkler (Ed's worry for the evening). And no one let Harry or Bo out (which was a good thing).
The next day was Travis's birthday. All of his presents were just as wonderfully thrilling as he had anticipated, he loved his tuna noodle casserole dinner, and we even found enough candles to put on his chocolate pie. Sort of. We didn't actually have eleven candles, but we found an old "7" candle and four birthday candles, so that adds up to eleven. Travis didn't mind.
In one more week my not-quite-so-little-anymore boy will be going away to camp for a week. Pray for me! Some child at the VBS next door asked him if he were a girl, and after some thought Travis told me he would like a hair cut. Not too short, but Manly.Hair is one of the areas where I mostly figure that the kids can have things their way, but his hair had gotten quite long and I do think it looks better now. Plus, he can see.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Travis looks handsome, and not quite so little boyish, Seven years old! Wonderful.

Sounds like you are having a great summer--ice cream sandwiches and wet towels. In fact, I think I now want an ice cream sandwich, now that you mentioned them! LOL.